




Number: /2018/QD-UBND


Independence – Freedom – Happiness


Dong Hoa, date month year 2018



Regarding promulgation of Regulations on functions, tasks and powers

and organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council

and Dong Hoa District People's Committee





            Pursuant to the Law on Organization of Local Government dated June 19, 2015;

            Pursuant to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents 2015;

            Pursuant to Decree No. 37/2014/ND-CP dated May 5, 2014 of the Government regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of districts, towns, and provincial cities;

            Pursuant to Decree No. 92/2017/ND-CP, dated August 7, 2017 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees related to control of administrative procedures;

            Pursuant to Joint Circular 51/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNV, dated December 11, 2015 Guiding the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Health under the People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government and the Health Department under the People's Committees of districts, towns, and provincial cities;

            Pursuant to Decision No. 37/2016/QD-UBND dated August 2, 2016 of the Provincial People's Committee promulgating Regulations guiding the functions, tasks, and powers of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee , town, city;

            According to the request of the Office of the People's Council and the District People's Committee in Report No. 23/TTr-VP, dated September 12, 2018.


            Article 1. Issued together with this Decision regulates the functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district.

            Article 2. This Decision takes effect 7 days after signing and replaces Decision No. 01/2017/QD-UBND dated April 3, 2017 of the People's Committee of Dong Hoa district on promulgating Regulations. Determine the functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district.

            Article 3. Chief of Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee, Head of the Department of Home Affairs and Heads of relevant agencies and units; Chairmen of the People's Committees of communes and towns are responsible for implementing this decision./.


- As in Article 3;

- Provincial People's Council Office;

- Provincial People's Committee Office;

- Department of Home Affairs;

- Department of Justice;

- Health service Dept;

- Standing District Party Committee;

- Standing member of the District People's Council;                                                                          

- Chairman, PCT. District People's Committee;

- Saved: VT, VP(2b). 30








Vo Dinh Tien






Independence – Freedom – Happiness





Functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of

Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district

(Issued together with Decision No. /2018/QD-UBND dated / /2018

of Dong Hoa District People's Committee)


Chapter I



            Article 1. Position and functions of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee

            1. Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee (hereinafter abbreviated as Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee) is a specialized agency under the District People's Committee, subject to direction and management of border organization. mechanism and work of the District People's Council and People's Committee; At the same time, subject to the guidance, inspection, and professional inspection of the Office of the Provincial People's Council, Office of the Provincial People's Committee, and Department of Health.

            2. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee provides general advice to the People's Council and People's Committee on: Activities of the People's Council and People's Committee; advise the Chairman of the People's Committee on the direction and administration of the Chairman of the People's Committee; State management of administrative procedure control; providing information to serve the management and operations of the People's Council, People's Committee and local state agencies; ensure material and technical foundations for the activities of the People's Council and People's Committee; Organize and implement, directly manage and direct the activities of the Receiving and Returning Results Department according to the one-stop shop and one-stop shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the district level. ; Guide and receive dossiers from individuals and organizations in all fields under the jurisdiction of the District People's Committee, transfer dossiers to specialized agencies under the District People's Committee for settlement and receipt. results to pay to organizations and individuals.

            - The District People's Council and People's Committee Office advises the District People's Committee on foreign affairs. The Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee advises and assists the District People's Committee in performing the function of state management of ethnic affairs and state management of health.

            3. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee has legal status, has its own seal, is budgeted for operations and can open an account at the State Treasury according to regulations.

            Article 2. Duties and powers of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office

            The District People's Council and People's Committee offices carry out the tasks and powers specified in Decree No. 37/2014/ND-CP dated May 5, 2014 of the Government regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the Committee. people of districts, towns, and provincial cities and Decree No. 92/2017/ND-CP, dated August 7, 2017 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees related to inspection control administrative procedures; As follows:

            1. Help the People's Council, the Standing Committee of the People's Council, the People's Committee, and the Chairman of the District People's Committee develop programs and work plans; Organize monitoring, urging and inspecting district agencies, departments, branches, People's Councils and Commune People's Committees to properly implement those work programs and plans.

            Synthesize and report periodically and irregularly on the results of implementation of work plans and programs; Propose and recommend solutions for effective implementation. Timely report and advise on adjustments to programs and work plans to meet the management, direction and administration requirements of the People's Council and People's Committee.

            2. Assist the People's Council and District People's Committee in directing, inspecting, and urging the implementation of programs, work plans, and legal documents of superior State management agencies and of the People's Council and District People's Committee.

            3. Directly advise the District People's Committee on direction, administration, and state management of foreign affairs and ethnic affairs in the district.

            4. Chair, coordinate or urge agencies, units and commune-level People's Committees to advise and draft projects, reports, proposals and other documents issued by the People's Council and Committee. assigned by the district people, ensuring the quality and schedule set forth.

            5. Inspect and review the process, content, format, and authority of documents submitted by agencies, units, and commune-level People's Committees to the People's Council and District People's Committee for approval. Sign and promulgate documents or give opinions on policies.

            - In cases where draft documents and dossiers submitted by agencies, units, and localities do not meet the requirements regarding format, content, order, and procedures, the Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee requests the agency to The process of completing the draft or fully implementing the prescribed processes and procedures; In case that proposal is not unanimously submitted by the agency, unit or locality, the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee shall report to the Standing Committee of the People's Council and Chairman of the District People's Committee for knowledge and direction.

            - The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is allowed to request relevant agencies, units, and localities to provide relevant documents, information, data, and documents or attend meetings and work to understand situation and information serving the direction and administration of the District People's Council and People's Committee.

            6. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to prepare contents and conditions to serve the organization of regular People's Council meetings, People's Committee conferences and conferences, meetings, Carry out other work of the People's Council and District People's Committee in accordance with the law. Advise and assist the Standing Committee of the District People's Council in organizing monitoring and contacting voters.

            7. Organize the collection, processing, management, and updating of information to serve the direction, administration, and operations of the District People's Council and People's Committee; Manage and maintain information network activities of the District People's Committee.

            8. Advise the Chairman of the District People's Committee on the organization and operation of the Citizen Reception Committee according to the provisions of law.

            9. Directly manage and direct the activities of the Receiving and Returning Results Department according to the one-stop mechanism and one-stop shop of the District People's Committee; Guide and receive dossiers from individuals and organizations in all fields under the jurisdiction of the District People's Committee, transfer dossiers to specialized agencies under the District People's Committee for settlement and receipt. results to be paid to organizations and individuals according to regulations.

            10. Management and use of seals and issuance of documents of the People's Council and District People's Committee. Organize and manage the agency's clerical and archival work according to regulations

determination; Apply information technology and ensure safety and communication to serve the activities of the District People's Council and People's Committee.

            11. Coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs to provide guidance on office administrative, clerical, and archival operations for civil servants doing office work of agencies, units, and civil servants of the Commune-level Statistics Office .

            12. Organize the implementation of documents, planning, plans and regulations issued or approved by competent authorities related to the activities of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office. Receive and process documents sent by agencies, organizations and individuals to the District People's Council and People's Committee Office; Issue and manage documents according to regulations. Research and apply scientific research results and administrative reforms to serve assigned tasks. Implement the work of preventing and combating corruption and waste within the management scope of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office according to the provisions of law.

            13. Management of organizational structure, civil servant payroll, structure of civil servant ranks, and employment positions; Implement regimes, policies, remuneration, rewards, discipline, training and professional development for civil servants and employees within the scope of management according to the provisions of law and division of regulations. work of the District People's Committee.

            14. Manage, use and be responsible for finances and assigned assets according to regulations. Ensuring working conditions and organizing work activities at the request of the People's Council, People's Committee, Standing Committee of the People's Council, Committees of the People's Council, Chairman, and Vice Presidents. Chairman of the District People's Committee and Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee according to the prescribed regime.

            15. Submit to the District People's Committee and Chairman of the District People's Committee to issue decisions, planning, long-term, 5-year, annual plans and other documents; Programs and measures to organize the implementation of state administrative reform tasks within the scope and authority of the District People's Council and People's Committee in the field of health.

            16. Organize the implementation of legal documents, planning and plans after approval; information, propaganda, dissemination, education, and monitoring of law enforcement in the field of responsibility.

            17. Help the District People's Committee carry out and be responsible for the appraisal, registration, and issuance of all types of licenses and certificates in the medical field under its authority according to the provisions of law and as assigned by the District People's Committee.

            18. Assist the District People's Committee in state management of enterprises, collective economic organizations, and private economic organizations; Guide and inspect associations and non-governmental organizations participating in the health sector in the district according to the provisions of law.

            19. Provide professional guidance and expertise in the areas assigned to manage for commune and town officials and civil servants.

            20. Organize the application of scientific and technological advances; Build an information and storage system to serve state management and professional expertise in the assigned field.

            21. Carry out information work, periodic and irregular reports on the implementation of assigned tasks according to regulations of the District People's Committee and Department of Health.

            22. Inspect and participate in inspections of organizations and individuals in implementing legal regulations and resolving complaints and denunciations in the health sector.

          23. Perform other tasks and powers assigned by the People's Council, District People's Committee or according to the provisions of law.


chapter II



            Article 3. Leaders of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee

            1. Leaders of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office include the Chief of Office and no more than 02 Deputy Chiefs of Office.

            2. The appointment of the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Office is decided by the Chairman of the District People's Committee according to the provisions of law and according to management decentralization.

            Article 4. Staffing

            Civil servant payroll, the number of people working at the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is assigned on the basis of job position, associated with functions, tasks, workload and is included in the total civil servant payroll of the Committee. district people assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

            The arrangement and use of civil servants and employees of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee must be based on job position, title, professional standards and operations in accordance with the law, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. streamlined.

            Article 5. Working regime and responsibilities

            1. The District People's Council and People's Committee offices work under the headship regime, ensuring the principle of democratic centralism.

            2. The Chief of the Office is the head and responsible before the People's Council, District People's Committee and before the law for all activities of the Office; is the account holder of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office.

            3. The Deputy Chief of Office is assigned by the Chief of Office to be in charge and direct some aspects of work and is responsible before the Chief of Office and the law for assigned tasks. The Deputy Chief of Office is authorized to resolve and handle the work of the Chief of Office when authorized by the Chief of Office and is responsible for such authorized work; The Deputy Chief of Office may not delegate authority to another person.

            4. Civil servants and employees of the Office comply with the management, direction, administration, and assignment of tasks by the Chief of Office and Deputy Chief of Office in charge. Strictly comply with working regulations, internal rules and discipline of the agency. Responsible to the Chief of Office and Deputy Chief of Office and jointly responsible to superiors and the law for assigned tasks.

            5. The Office maintains monthly briefings to evaluate the results of implementing assigned tasks and deploy work plans and documents related to the organization and operations of the Office.

            6. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is responsible for advising and proposing issues within the scope of duties and powers according to regulations.

            7. Experts and leaders of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee are responsible for their advice and suggestions.


            Article 6. Working relationship

            The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee regularly maintains working relationships with the Office of the Provincial People's Council, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee and the Department of Health; have a cooperative working relationship with district agencies and units; District Party Committee Office; Standing Committee of the Fatherland Front Committee and district mass organizations; The People's Council and People's Committee at the commune level and other agencies and units on related work aspects to provide information, assist the People's Council, and advise the District People's Committee on leadership. , managed and operated according to authority.


Chapter III



            Article 7. Implementation provisions

            The Chief of Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee and Heads of relevant agencies and units are responsible for implementing this Regulation. During the implementation process, if there are amendments or supplements to functions and tasks, the District People's Committee is proposed to consider amending and supplementing the Regulations accordingly.










Vo Dinh Tien











Number: /2018/QD-UBND


Independence – Freedom – Happiness


Dong Hoa, date month year 2018



Regarding promulgation of Regulations on functions, tasks and powers

and organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council

and Dong Hoa District People's Committee





            Pursuant to the Law on Organization of Local Government dated June 19, 2015;

            Pursuant to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents 2015;

            Pursuant to Decree No. 37/2014/ND-CP dated May 5, 2014 of the Government regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of districts, towns, and provincial cities;

            Pursuant to Decree No. 92/2017/ND-CP, dated August 7, 2017 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees related to control of administrative procedures;

            Pursuant to Joint Circular 51/2015/TTLT-BYT-BNV, dated December 11, 2015 Guiding the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Health under the People's Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government and the Health Department under the People's Committees of districts, towns, and provincial cities;

            Pursuant to Decision No. 37/2016/QD-UBND dated August 2, 2016 of the Provincial People's Committee promulgating Regulations guiding the functions, tasks, and powers of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee , town, city;

            According to the request of the Office of the People's Council and the District People's Committee in Report No. 23/TTr-VP, dated September 12, 2018.


            Article 1. Issued together with this Decision regulates the functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district.

            Article 2. This Decision takes effect 7 days after signing and replaces Decision No. 01/2017/QD-UBND dated April 3, 2017 of the People's Committee of Dong Hoa district on promulgating Regulations. Determine the functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of the Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district.

            Article 3. Chief of Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee, Head of the Department of Home Affairs and Heads of relevant agencies and units; Chairmen of the People's Committees of communes and towns are responsible for implementing this decision./.


- As in Article 3;

- Provincial People's Council Office;

- Provincial People's Committee Office;

- Department of Home Affairs;

- Department of Justice;

- Health service Dept;

- Standing District Party Committee;

- Standing member of the District People's Council;                                                                          

- Chairman, PCT. District People's Committee;

- Saved: VT, VP(2b). 30








Vo Dinh Tien






Independence – Freedom – Happiness





Functions, tasks, powers, organization and staffing of

Office of the People's Council and People's Committee of Dong Hoa district

(Issued together with Decision No. /2018/QD-UBND dated / /2018

of Dong Hoa District People's Committee)


Chapter I



            Article 1. Position and functions of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee

            1. Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee (hereinafter abbreviated as Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee) is a specialized agency under the District People's Committee, subject to direction and management of border organization. mechanism and work of the District People's Council and People's Committee; At the same time, subject to the guidance, inspection, and professional inspection of the Office of the Provincial People's Council, Office of the Provincial People's Committee, and Department of Health.

            2. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee provides general advice to the People's Council and People's Committee on: Activities of the People's Council and People's Committee; advise the Chairman of the People's Committee on the direction and administration of the Chairman of the People's Committee; State management of administrative procedure control; providing information to serve the management and operations of the People's Council, People's Committee and local state agencies; ensure material and technical foundations for the activities of the People's Council and People's Committee; Organize and implement, directly manage and direct the activities of the Receiving and Returning Results Department according to the one-stop shop and one-stop shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the district level. ; Guide and receive dossiers from individuals and organizations in all fields under the jurisdiction of the District People's Committee, transfer dossiers to specialized agencies under the District People's Committee for settlement and receipt. results to pay to organizations and individuals.

            - The District People's Council and People's Committee Office advises the District People's Committee on foreign affairs. The Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee advises and assists the District People's Committee in performing the function of state management of ethnic affairs and state management of health.

            3. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee has legal status, has its own seal, is budgeted for operations and can open an account at the State Treasury according to regulations.

            Article 2. Duties and powers of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office

            The District People's Council and People's Committee offices carry out the tasks and powers specified in Decree No. 37/2014/ND-CP dated May 5, 2014 of the Government regulating the organization of specialized agencies under the Committee. people of districts, towns, and provincial cities and Decree No. 92/2017/ND-CP, dated August 7, 2017 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees related to inspection control administrative procedures; As follows:

            1. Help the People's Council, the Standing Committee of the People's Council, the People's Committee, and the Chairman of the District People's Committee develop programs and work plans; Organize monitoring, urging and inspecting district agencies, departments, branches, People's Councils and Commune People's Committees to properly implement those work programs and plans.

            Synthesize and report periodically and irregularly on the results of implementation of work plans and programs; Propose and recommend solutions for effective implementation. Timely report and advise on adjustments to programs and work plans to meet the management, direction and administration requirements of the People's Council and People's Committee.

            2. Assist the People's Council and District People's Committee in directing, inspecting, and urging the implementation of programs, work plans, and legal documents of superior State management agencies and of the People's Council and District People's Committee.

            3. Directly advise the District People's Committee on direction, administration, and state management of foreign affairs and ethnic affairs in the district.

            4. Chair, coordinate or urge agencies, units and commune-level People's Committees to advise and draft projects, reports, proposals and other documents issued by the People's Council and Committee. assigned by the district people, ensuring the quality and schedule set forth.

            5. Inspect and review the process, content, format, and authority of documents submitted by agencies, units, and commune-level People's Committees to the People's Council and District People's Committee for approval. Sign and promulgate documents or give opinions on policies.

            - In cases where draft documents and dossiers submitted by agencies, units, and localities do not meet the requirements regarding format, content, order, and procedures, the Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee requests the agency to The process of completing the draft or fully implementing the prescribed processes and procedures; In case that proposal is not unanimously submitted by the agency, unit or locality, the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee shall report to the Standing Committee of the People's Council and Chairman of the District People's Committee for knowledge and direction.

            - The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is allowed to request relevant agencies, units, and localities to provide relevant documents, information, data, and documents or attend meetings and work to understand situation and information serving the direction and administration of the District People's Council and People's Committee.

            6. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to prepare contents and conditions to serve the organization of regular People's Council meetings, People's Committee conferences and conferences, meetings, Carry out other work of the People's Council and District People's Committee in accordance with the law. Advise and assist the Standing Committee of the District People's Council in organizing monitoring and contacting voters.

            7. Organize the collection, processing, management, and updating of information to serve the direction, administration, and operations of the District People's Council and People's Committee; Manage and maintain information network activities of the District People's Committee.

            8. Advise the Chairman of the District People's Committee on the organization and operation of the Citizen Reception Committee according to the provisions of law.

            9. Directly manage and direct the activities of the Receiving and Returning Results Department according to the one-stop mechanism and one-stop shop of the District People's Committee; Guide and receive dossiers from individuals and organizations in all fields under the jurisdiction of the District People's Committee, transfer dossiers to specialized agencies under the District People's Committee for settlement and receipt. results to be paid to organizations and individuals according to regulations.

            10. Management and use of seals and issuance of documents of the People's Council and District People's Committee. Organize and manage the agency's clerical and archival work according to regulations

determination; Apply information technology and ensure safety and communication to serve the activities of the District People's Council and People's Committee.

            11. Coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs to provide guidance on office administrative, clerical, and archival operations for civil servants doing office work of agencies, units, and civil servants of the Commune-level Statistics Office .

            12. Organize the implementation of documents, planning, plans and regulations issued or approved by competent authorities related to the activities of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office. Receive and process documents sent by agencies, organizations and individuals to the District People's Council and People's Committee Office; Issue and manage documents according to regulations. Research and apply scientific research results and administrative reforms to serve assigned tasks. Implement the work of preventing and combating corruption and waste within the management scope of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office according to the provisions of law.

            13. Management of organizational structure, civil servant payroll, structure of civil servant ranks, and employment positions; Implement regimes, policies, remuneration, rewards, discipline, training and professional development for civil servants and employees within the scope of management according to the provisions of law and division of regulations. work of the District People's Committee.

            14. Manage, use and be responsible for finances and assigned assets according to regulations. Ensuring working conditions and organizing work activities at the request of the People's Council, People's Committee, Standing Committee of the People's Council, Committees of the People's Council, Chairman, and Vice Presidents. Chairman of the District People's Committee and Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee according to the prescribed regime.

            15. Submit to the District People's Committee and Chairman of the District People's Committee to issue decisions, planning, long-term, 5-year, annual plans and other documents; Programs and measures to organize the implementation of state administrative reform tasks within the scope and authority of the District People's Council and People's Committee in the field of health.

            16. Organize the implementation of legal documents, planning and plans after approval; information, propaganda, dissemination, education, and monitoring of law enforcement in the field of responsibility.

            17. Help the District People's Committee carry out and be responsible for the appraisal, registration, and issuance of all types of licenses and certificates in the medical field under its authority according to the provisions of law and as assigned by the District People's Committee.

            18. Assist the District People's Committee in state management of enterprises, collective economic organizations, and private economic organizations; Guide and inspect associations and non-governmental organizations participating in the health sector in the district according to the provisions of law.

            19. Provide professional guidance and expertise in the areas assigned to manage for commune and town officials and civil servants.

            20. Organize the application of scientific and technological advances; Build an information and storage system to serve state management and professional expertise in the assigned field.

            21. Carry out information work, periodic and irregular reports on the implementation of assigned tasks according to regulations of the District People's Committee and Department of Health.

            22. Inspect and participate in inspections of organizations and individuals in implementing legal regulations and resolving complaints and denunciations in the health sector.

          23. Perform other tasks and powers assigned by the People's Council, District People's Committee or according to the provisions of law.


chapter II



            Article 3. Leaders of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee

            1. Leaders of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office include the Chief of Office and no more than 02 Deputy Chiefs of Office.

            2. The appointment of the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Office is decided by the Chairman of the District People's Committee according to the provisions of law and according to management decentralization.

            Article 4. Staffing

            Civil servant payroll, the number of people working at the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is assigned on the basis of job position, associated with functions, tasks, workload and is included in the total civil servant payroll of the Committee. district people assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

            The arrangement and use of civil servants and employees of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee must be based on job position, title, professional standards and operations in accordance with the law, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. streamlined.

            Article 5. Working regime and responsibilities

            1. The District People's Council and People's Committee offices work under the headship regime, ensuring the principle of democratic centralism.

            2. The Chief of the Office is the head and responsible before the People's Council, District People's Committee and before the law for all activities of the Office; is the account holder of the District People's Council and People's Committee Office.

            3. The Deputy Chief of Office is assigned by the Chief of Office to be in charge and direct some aspects of work and is responsible before the Chief of Office and the law for assigned tasks. The Deputy Chief of Office is authorized to resolve and handle the work of the Chief of Office when authorized by the Chief of Office and is responsible for such authorized work; The Deputy Chief of Office may not delegate authority to another person.

            4. Civil servants and employees of the Office comply with the management, direction, administration, and assignment of tasks by the Chief of Office and Deputy Chief of Office in charge. Strictly comply with working regulations, internal rules and discipline of the agency. Responsible to the Chief of Office and Deputy Chief of Office and jointly responsible to superiors and the law for assigned tasks.

            5. The Office maintains monthly briefings to evaluate the results of implementing assigned tasks and deploy work plans and documents related to the organization and operations of the Office.

            6. The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee is responsible for advising and proposing issues within the scope of duties and powers according to regulations.

            7. Experts and leaders of the Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee are responsible for their advice and suggestions.


            Article 6. Working relationship

            The Office of the People's Council and District People's Committee regularly maintains working relationships with the Office of the Provincial People's Council, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee and the Department of Health; have a cooperative working relationship with district agencies and units; District Party Committee Office; Standing Committee of the Fatherland Front Committee and district mass organizations; The People's Council and People's Committee at the commune level and other agencies and units on related work aspects to provide information, assist the People's Council, and advise the District People's Committee on leadership. , managed and operated according to authority.


Chapter III



            Article 7. Implementation provisions

            The Chief of Office of the District People's Council and People's Committee and Heads of relevant agencies and units are responsible for implementing this Regulation. During the implementation process, if there are amendments or supplements to functions and tasks, the District People's Committee is proposed to consider amending and supplementing the Regulations accordingly.










Vo Dinh Tien

Danh Mục Nội Dung
Thống kê truy cập
Hôm nay : 166
Hôm qua : 567
Tháng 03 : 23.083
Năm 2025 : 74.067

Đây là kênh tương tác trực tuyến giữa UBND và cộng đồng, nhằm giúp việc trao đổi thông tin và phản ánh/góp ý của người dân thuận tiện, nhanh chóng, góp phần xây dựng UBND ngày càng văn minh, hiện đại.

Với nỗ lực cải tiến thường xuyên để phục vụ ngày càng tốt hơn, UBND mở rộng cung cấp dịch vụ giải quyết thủ tục trực tuyến. Xin mời chọn lĩnh vực đăng ký