





Independence – Freedom – Happiness






Functions, tasks, powers and staff organization of

Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting of Dong Hoa town

(Issued together with Decision No.: QD – People's Committee

 date ....... /....../ 2023 of Dong Hoa Town People's Committee)



Chapter I



Article 1. Position and functions

1. The Center for Culture - Sports and Broadcasting is a public service unit directly under the People's Committee of Dong Hoa town, advising and assisting the People's Committee of the town in performing the function of developing cultural causes, sports and tourism; Organize propaganda activities and disseminate the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and carry out local political, economic, cultural and social tasks; Professional and professional guidance for officials working in culture, sports and tourism at the grassroots level; organizing and providing public services; Meet the needs of cultural, artistic, physical training, sports and tourism activities; the need to receive information, improve people's knowledge, and the need to create and enjoy culture of the people in the area; is the propaganda agency of the Party Committee and town government.

2. The Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcastinghas legal status, its own seal and account; Subject to the directdirection and managementof the Town People's Committee according to its authority, and at the same time subject to the direction, inspection, inspection and professional guidance of theDepartment of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province , Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Phu Yen province radio and television station.

Article 2. Duties and powers

1. Culture, Sports and Tourism Field

a) Based on the economic, cultural and social development program and work plan of the town, the Town Center for Culture - Sports and Radio Broadcasting proactively develops short-term and long-term activity plans deadline for submission to the Town People's Committee and implementation immediately after approval by the Town People's Committee;

b) Organize cultural and artistic activities, propaganda, reading, entertainment, film screenings, clubs, interest groups, and artistic talent classes;

c) Organize physical training and sports activities; Technical guidance, methods and training conditions for organizations and individuals;

d) Organize festivals, competitions, performances, competitions and guide cultural - artistic, physical training - sports movements at the grassroots level;

d) Discover and foster cultural - artistic, physical training - sports talents;

e) Collect, preserve and instruct folk art forms and traditional sports;

g) Organize professional activities, cultural and sports service activities and other service activities to meet the needs of local people, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law and in accordance with the law. physical conditions of public service organizations;

h) Cooperate, interact, exchange professional expertise and activities in the fields of culture, sports and tourism with units and organizations inside and outside the province and centrally run cities;

i) Manage and advise on tourism development promotion; exploit financial mechanisms;

k) Providing services related to culture and sports;

l) Manage officials, employees, finances and assets according to the provisions of law.

2. Broadcasting field

a) Producing and broadcasting radio programs in Vietnamese and ethnic languages ​​on loudspeaker systems and radio broadcasting equipment equipped to propagate the Party's guidelines and policies and laws of the State, focusing on the direction and administration of local governments, grassroots activities, dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, economics, culture, society, and security and order work , an example of good people, good deeds, exemplary progress to the people according to the provisions of law;

b) Relay and broadcast programs of the Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Provincial Radio and Television to serve the people's information receiving needs in accordance with the provisions of law;

c) Directly manage specialized technical systems to carry out the reception and broadcasting of radio and television programs according to the provisions of law;

d) Coordinate with the Provincial Radio and Television Station to produce radio and television programs broadcast on the Provincial Radio and Television Station;

d) Manage and operate television and radio broadcasting stations in the area as assigned. Providing professional and technical guidance for commune, ward and local radio stations;

e) Management and use of labor, assets, budget and revenue from services; Implement policies for officials and employees under the scope of management according to the provisions of law;

g) Implement periodic and irregular reporting regimes at the request of superior management agencies. Participate in professional activities organized by superior agencies. Organize emulation and reward activities according to the provisions of law;

h) Participate in opinions with the Town People's Committee and authorities to consolidate and expand radio and television broadcasting in the area;

i) Providing services related to broadcasting.

3. Perform other tasks assigned by the Town People's Committee and Chairman of the Town People's Committee according to the provisions of law.


chapter II


Article 3. Organizational structure

1. The Town Center for Culture, Sports and Radio Broadcasting has 01 Director, no more than 02 Deputy Directors and specific professional departments including:

a. General Administration.

b. Art culture.

c. Fitness – Sports and Travel.

d. Radio – Propaganda.

2. The Director and Deputy Director are appointed, dismissed, dismissed, resigned, rewarded, disciplined, transferred, rotated, and implemented other regimes and policies by the Chairman of the Town People's Committee. according to the provisions of law and according to management decentralization.

Article 4. Number of people working

1. The number of people working at the Town Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting is assigned by the Chairman of the Town People's Committee based on the functions, tasks and job positions of the Center;

2. Based on the functions, tasks and job positions approved by competent authorities, the Town Culture - Sports and Radio Center annually develops a plan for the number of people working for the Center to ensure Carry out assigned tasks and submit them to competent authorities for approval according to regulations.

Chapter III


Article 5. Working regime, duties, powers and responsibilities of the Director and Deputy Director

1. The Center works under the leadership regime, according to the working regulations of the Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting and according to the working regulations of the Town People's Committee, ensuring the principle of democratic centralism ;

2. The Director is the head of the Center, directly operates, manages and is responsible before the Town People's Committee and before the law for performing assigned functions, tasks and powers, and is responsible Report work to the Town People's Committee, Chairman of the Town People's Committee and be the account holder of the Center;

3. The Deputy Director helps the Director in charge of some aspects of work; Be responsible before the Director and before the law for assigned tasks. When the Director is absent, a Deputy Director is authorized by the Director to manage the unit's activities The Deputy Director may not delegate authority to another person;

4. Center officials comply with the management, direction, administration, and assignment of tasks by the Director and Deputy Director. Strictly comply with the working regulations, internal rules and discipline of the unit. Be responsible to the Director, Deputy Director and jointly responsible to superiors and the law for assigned tasks;

5. The Center maintains weekly and monthly meetings and consultations to evaluate the results of implementing assigned tasks and deploy work plans and documents related to the organization and operations of the Center. ;

6. The Center is responsible for advising and proposing issues within the scope of duties and powers according to regulations.

Article 6. Working relationship

1. For the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Department of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province

The Town's Culture - Sports and Radio Center is under the state management of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Department of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province, implements the information and reporting regime according to regulations.

2. For Radio and Television Station of Phu Yen province

The center is under the guidance of Phu Yen Provincial Radio and Television Station in terms of professional expertise and advice and guidance on investment in radio equipment and machinery in the town during the process of building and developing its career. town radio.

3. For the People's Committee of Dong Hoa town

Dong Hoa Town Culture - Sports and Radio Center is under the direct and comprehensive leadership and direction of the Town People's Committee; Implement reporting regime according to regulations; Advise and propose to the Town People's Committee to manage issues related to the unit's functions and tasks, and reflect difficulties and problems for the Town People's Committee to give opinions on solutions.

4. For departments, committees, associations of towns and People's Committees of wards and communes

The Center coordinates with departments, committees, associations of the town and the People's Committees of communes and wards on the principle of community responsibility, supporting each other in work to complete the common political tasks of the town. according to the working regulations of the Town People's Committee and relevant regulations.

Chapter IV



Article 7. Financial regime

1. The Center for Culture - Sports and Broadcasting is a public service unit under the Town People's Committee, responsible for developing and submitting to the Town People's Committee for approval an autonomy plan for implementation ;

2. Develop service prices and submit to the Town People's Committee for approval;

3. Prepare estimates and comply with revenue and expenditure estimates according to legal regulations.

Article 8. Responsibility for management and use of assets

The Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting is responsible for managing State assets in accordance with the law on management and use of State assets at public service units.

Chapter V


Article 9. The Center Director is responsible for organizing the implementation of this Regulation to each officer and person working at the unit;

Article 10. During the implementation process, if there are changes or additions to functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures in legal documents with higher legal value or there are difficulties or problems If found, the Center Director coordinates with the Prime Minister of relevant agencies and units to report to the Town People's Committee for consideration and appropriate adjustments./.











Independence – Freedom – Happiness






Functions, tasks, powers and staff organization of

Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting of Dong Hoa town

(Issued together with Decision No.: QD – People's Committee

 date ....... /....../ 2023 of Dong Hoa Town People's Committee)



Chapter I



Article 1. Position and functions

1. The Center for Culture - Sports and Broadcasting is a public service unit directly under the People's Committee of Dong Hoa town, advising and assisting the People's Committee of the town in performing the function of developing cultural causes, sports and tourism; Organize propaganda activities and disseminate the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and carry out local political, economic, cultural and social tasks; Professional and professional guidance for officials working in culture, sports and tourism at the grassroots level; organizing and providing public services; Meet the needs of cultural, artistic, physical training, sports and tourism activities; the need to receive information, improve people's knowledge, and the need to create and enjoy culture of the people in the area; is the propaganda agency of the Party Committee and town government.

2. The Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcastinghas legal status, its own seal and account; Subject to the directdirection and managementof the Town People's Committee according to its authority, and at the same time subject to the direction, inspection, inspection and professional guidance of theDepartment of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province , Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Phu Yen province radio and television station.

Article 2. Duties and powers

1. Culture, Sports and Tourism Field

a) Based on the economic, cultural and social development program and work plan of the town, the Town Center for Culture - Sports and Radio Broadcasting proactively develops short-term and long-term activity plans deadline for submission to the Town People's Committee and implementation immediately after approval by the Town People's Committee;

b) Organize cultural and artistic activities, propaganda, reading, entertainment, film screenings, clubs, interest groups, and artistic talent classes;

c) Organize physical training and sports activities; Technical guidance, methods and training conditions for organizations and individuals;

d) Organize festivals, competitions, performances, competitions and guide cultural - artistic, physical training - sports movements at the grassroots level;

d) Discover and foster cultural - artistic, physical training - sports talents;

e) Collect, preserve and instruct folk art forms and traditional sports;

g) Organize professional activities, cultural and sports service activities and other service activities to meet the needs of local people, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law and in accordance with the law. physical conditions of public service organizations;

h) Cooperate, interact, exchange professional expertise and activities in the fields of culture, sports and tourism with units and organizations inside and outside the province and centrally run cities;

i) Manage and advise on tourism development promotion; exploit financial mechanisms;

k) Providing services related to culture and sports;

l) Manage officials, employees, finances and assets according to the provisions of law.

2. Broadcasting field

a) Producing and broadcasting radio programs in Vietnamese and ethnic languages ​​on loudspeaker systems and radio broadcasting equipment equipped to propagate the Party's guidelines and policies and laws of the State, focusing on the direction and administration of local governments, grassroots activities, dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, economics, culture, society, and security and order work , an example of good people, good deeds, exemplary progress to the people according to the provisions of law;

b) Relay and broadcast programs of the Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Provincial Radio and Television to serve the people's information receiving needs in accordance with the provisions of law;

c) Directly manage specialized technical systems to carry out the reception and broadcasting of radio and television programs according to the provisions of law;

d) Coordinate with the Provincial Radio and Television Station to produce radio and television programs broadcast on the Provincial Radio and Television Station;

d) Manage and operate television and radio broadcasting stations in the area as assigned. Providing professional and technical guidance for commune, ward and local radio stations;

e) Management and use of labor, assets, budget and revenue from services; Implement policies for officials and employees under the scope of management according to the provisions of law;

g) Implement periodic and irregular reporting regimes at the request of superior management agencies. Participate in professional activities organized by superior agencies. Organize emulation and reward activities according to the provisions of law;

h) Participate in opinions with the Town People's Committee and authorities to consolidate and expand radio and television broadcasting in the area;

i) Providing services related to broadcasting.

3. Perform other tasks assigned by the Town People's Committee and Chairman of the Town People's Committee according to the provisions of law.


chapter II


Article 3. Organizational structure

1. The Town Center for Culture, Sports and Radio Broadcasting has 01 Director, no more than 02 Deputy Directors and specific professional departments including:

a. General Administration.

b. Art culture.

c. Fitness – Sports and Travel.

d. Radio – Propaganda.

2. The Director and Deputy Director are appointed, dismissed, dismissed, resigned, rewarded, disciplined, transferred, rotated, and implemented other regimes and policies by the Chairman of the Town People's Committee. according to the provisions of law and according to management decentralization.

Article 4. Number of people working

1. The number of people working at the Town Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting is assigned by the Chairman of the Town People's Committee based on the functions, tasks and job positions of the Center;

2. Based on the functions, tasks and job positions approved by competent authorities, the Town Culture - Sports and Radio Center annually develops a plan for the number of people working for the Center to ensure Carry out assigned tasks and submit them to competent authorities for approval according to regulations.

Chapter III


Article 5. Working regime, duties, powers and responsibilities of the Director and Deputy Director

1. The Center works under the leadership regime, according to the working regulations of the Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting and according to the working regulations of the Town People's Committee, ensuring the principle of democratic centralism ;

2. The Director is the head of the Center, directly operates, manages and is responsible before the Town People's Committee and before the law for performing assigned functions, tasks and powers, and is responsible Report work to the Town People's Committee, Chairman of the Town People's Committee and be the account holder of the Center;

3. The Deputy Director helps the Director in charge of some aspects of work; Be responsible before the Director and before the law for assigned tasks. When the Director is absent, a Deputy Director is authorized by the Director to manage the unit's activities The Deputy Director may not delegate authority to another person;

4. Center officials comply with the management, direction, administration, and assignment of tasks by the Director and Deputy Director. Strictly comply with the working regulations, internal rules and discipline of the unit. Be responsible to the Director, Deputy Director and jointly responsible to superiors and the law for assigned tasks;

5. The Center maintains weekly and monthly meetings and consultations to evaluate the results of implementing assigned tasks and deploy work plans and documents related to the organization and operations of the Center. ;

6. The Center is responsible for advising and proposing issues within the scope of duties and powers according to regulations.

Article 6. Working relationship

1. For the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Department of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province

The Town's Culture - Sports and Radio Center is under the state management of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Phu Yen province; Department of Information and Communications of Phu Yen province, implements the information and reporting regime according to regulations.

2. For Radio and Television Station of Phu Yen province

The center is under the guidance of Phu Yen Provincial Radio and Television Station in terms of professional expertise and advice and guidance on investment in radio equipment and machinery in the town during the process of building and developing its career. town radio.

3. For the People's Committee of Dong Hoa town

Dong Hoa Town Culture - Sports and Radio Center is under the direct and comprehensive leadership and direction of the Town People's Committee; Implement reporting regime according to regulations; Advise and propose to the Town People's Committee to manage issues related to the unit's functions and tasks, and reflect difficulties and problems for the Town People's Committee to give opinions on solutions.

4. For departments, committees, associations of towns and People's Committees of wards and communes

The Center coordinates with departments, committees, associations of the town and the People's Committees of communes and wards on the principle of community responsibility, supporting each other in work to complete the common political tasks of the town. according to the working regulations of the Town People's Committee and relevant regulations.

Chapter IV



Article 7. Financial regime

1. The Center for Culture - Sports and Broadcasting is a public service unit under the Town People's Committee, responsible for developing and submitting to the Town People's Committee for approval an autonomy plan for implementation ;

2. Develop service prices and submit to the Town People's Committee for approval;

3. Prepare estimates and comply with revenue and expenditure estimates according to legal regulations.

Article 8. Responsibility for management and use of assets

The Center for Culture, Sports and Broadcasting is responsible for managing State assets in accordance with the law on management and use of State assets at public service units.

Chapter V


Article 9. The Center Director is responsible for organizing the implementation of this Regulation to each officer and person working at the unit;

Article 10. During the implementation process, if there are changes or additions to functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures in legal documents with higher legal value or there are difficulties or problems If found, the Center Director coordinates with the Prime Minister of relevant agencies and units to report to the Town People's Committee for consideration and appropriate adjustments./.

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Năm 2025 : 62.180

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