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Dong Hoa district (now Dong Hoa town) was established in June 2005 according to Decree No. 62/2005/ND-CP dated May 16, 2005 of the Government on the basis of separation from the district. Old Tuy Hoa. On April 22, 2020, the 14th National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 931/NQ-UBTVQH14 on the establishment of Dong Hoa town and wards of Dong Hoa town, Phu Yen province. From June 1, 2020, Dong Hoa town officially came into operation. 
Previously, when Dong Hoa was still in Tuy Hoa district, the name Tuy Hoa had existed since 1611, when the district capital was located at Phu Thu. In 1963, the Saigon government divided Tuy Hoa district into two districts: Tuy Hoa and Hieu Xuong. After 1975, Hieu Xuong district changed to Tuy Hoa district. In 1977, Tuy Hoa town was merged with Tuy Hoa district, but a year later it separated. And in 2005, Dong Hoa district (now Dong Hoa town) was officially established after being separated from Tuy Hoa district.
Based on historical sources and archaeological sites recently excavated in Phu Yen province, Tuy Hoa is a land that was formed a long time ago.
Archaeological relics such as Go Oc (Cau River), the discovery of bronze drums in Hoa Tan... prove that Tuy Hoa residents in particular and Phu Yen residents in general had a very clear indigenous culture; have the same level and nuance of "pre-Sa Huynh culture" of the residents of the Central Coast region. 
However, it was not until 1471 that today's Tuy Hoa land was officially merged into Vietnamese territory. That was when King Le Thanh Tong marched to Dai Lanh mountain and took Da Bia mountain as the boundary between Dai Viet and Champa. In the year of Mau Dan (1578), Mr. Luong Van Chanh became the border guard, gathering people to go to Cu Mong and Ba Dai to reclaim waste land in Da Dien: "In the year of Tan Hoi (1611), the Cham people invaded Bien Canh, the king ordered The owner of the matter was Van Phong, who suppressed it and took that land to make two districts, Dong Xuan and Tuy Hoa.
Thus, Tuy Hoa is the official name of the oldest administrative unit on this land, at the same time as the names Phu Yen and Dong Xuan. Tuy Hoa at that time was large, including the current towns of Tuy Hoa, Son Hoa, and Song Hinh.
According to the geographical register established in the year Minh Menh 11-12 (1830-1831), Tuy Hoa district has 3 cantons:
1. Thuong Thuong: has 14 villages and 4 communes.
2. Total Central: has 20 villages, 3 communes, 3 districts and 1 ward. 
According to the Indochina General Yearbook, in 1910, Tuy Hoa Phu had 6 communes (as above) with 109 communes and villages, and 12,255 birth rates. 
After the August Revolution, Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee advocated merging Hoa My canton into Dong Bo area into an administrative unit under the province, merging villages into large communes, eliminating the canton level - the previous administrative unit - and dividing Tuy Hoa Palace became 2 war zones (in 1946). Tuy Hoa district is war zone I.
In October 1947, war zone I and war zone II were merged into Tuy Hoa district.
During the resistance war against the US to save the country (1945 - 1975), Tuy Hoa district was also named Tuy Hoa 1 district. After the South was completely liberated, Tuy Hoa 1 district was renamed Tuy Hoa district.
For the Saigon puppet government, after the Geneva Accords, on May 27, 1958, a decree was issued on administrative reform, eliminating the titles of Government and District, and all were called District. 1. Tuy Hoa. 2. Hoa Quang. 3. Hoa Thanh. 4. Hoa Xuan. 5. Harmony. 6. Hoa Phong. 7. Hoa Kien 8. Hoa Dinh. 9. Hoa Vinh. 10. Hoa Tan. 11. Hoa My. 13. Hoa Thang. 14. Hoa Hiep. 15. Hoa Binh. 16. Hoa Thinh. On July 12, 1962, the Saigon puppet government issued Decree No. 723NV, establishing Hieu Xuong district as the district capital, located in Hoa Phong commune. This district has 7 communes: 1. Duc Thanh. 2. Harmony   3. Hoa Thinh.   4. Hoa Phong. 5. Hoa My. 6. Hoa Tan. 7. Hoa Binh. On December 21, 1962, the Saigon puppet government issued Decree No. 304 TTF/DUHC, merging 4 communes into Hieu Xuong district: - Hoa Thanh. - Hoa Vinh. - Hoa Hiep.  - Hoa Xuan. The above 4 communes originally belonged to Tuy Hoa district. According to administrative unit statistics in 1964, Hieu Xuong district has an area of ​​994.70km2; population 88,947. Dong Hoa today is a coastal plain town located in the south of Phu Yen province. The North borders Tuy Hoa city and Phu Hoa district. The South borders Khanh Hoa province and the East Sea. The West borders Tay Hoa district. The East borders the East Sea, with a coastline of nearly 50 km stretching from Dong Tac to Hon Nua island.  Area: 26,828.46 hectares. Population: 114,993 people Including 10 commune-level administrative units, including 05 wards: Hoa Vinh, Hoa Hiep Trung, Hoa Hiep Bac, Hoa Hiep Nam, Hoa Xuan Tay and 05 communes: Hoa Thanh, Hoa Tan Dong, Hoa Xuan Dong, Hoa Xuan Nam , Hoa Tam.