Vietnamese / English

Dong Hoa is in the South Central coastal plain, located in the south of Phu Yen province, about 15 km from Tuy Hoa city. Dong Hoa district (now Dong Hoa town) was established in June 2005 according to Decree No. 62/2005/ND-CP dated May 16, 2005 of the Government on the basis of separation from the old Tuy Hoa district. On April 22, 2020, the 14th National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 931/NQ-UBTVQH14 on the establishment of Dong Hoa town and wards of Dong Hoa town, Phu Yen province. From June 1, 2020, Dong Hoa town officially came into operation.

With a natural area of 265.62 km2; population 119,991 people; There are 10 administrative units under the town, including 05 wards: Hoa Hiep Bac, Hoa Hiep Trung, Hoa Hiep Nam, Hoa Vinh, Hoa Xuan Tay and 05 communes: Hoa Thanh, Hoa Tan Dong, Hoa Xuan Dong, Hoa Xuan Nam, Hoa Tam; There are 49 villages and neighborhoods.

Dong Hoa has a particularly favorable geographical location. The South borders Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province; The North borders Tuy Hoa city; The West borders Tay Hoa district and the East borders the East Sea. Located on National Highway 1A; There are Phu Hiep and Hao Son railway stations, there is Dong Tac Airport station; There is Vung Ro seaport and National Highway 29, connecting the district to the Central Highlands. Goods from Dong Hoa to the North, the South, or up to the Central Highlands and vice versa are all very convenient. Dong Hoa is planned by the province and the Central Government as the key economic region of Southern Phu Yen and has been approved by the Government.

Dong Hoa has both the sea, mountains and plains; There are many historical and cultural relics, beautiful natural landscapes, each with its own majestic and poetic features; has much potential for tourism development.

In particular, Da Bia Mountain, nearly 1,000m high, not only contributes to the landscape of Dong Hoa with a majestic and poetic stature but has truly entered the consciousness of the people with a store of stories imbued with philosophy and intertwined with history. history, legend.

During the renovation process, Dong Hoa has had positive changes in socio-economic development. The town's economy continuously grows and develops; good agricultural production; Industry, trade and services always have good growth; Activities in the cultural and social fields have made many advances; The work of resolving complaints and denunciations is centrally directed; National defense and security are maintained, social order and safety are enhanced. People's lives are gradually improved and enhanced. The State administrative management system has gradually been built strongly, meeting the needs of organizations and people.

           We sincerely thank you for your interest in the Electronic Information Portal of Dong Hoa town, Phu Yen province.

           With the hope that Dong Hoa town Electronic Information Portal will meet the information needs and be a bridge between organizations and people inside and outside the town with local authorities, to promote administrative reform and development. Developing e-government and digital transformation to serve the town's socio-economic development./.

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